One of the main uses of the Data Load Module in your HRIS portal is mass uploading a PDF file to be stored in some/all employees' digital filing cabinet (the "My Files" section of their ESS Portal).
This function allows you to take a single PDF with pages for each employee and automate the distribution of each employee's individual page(s) in the document to their ESS portals. You may choose to use this feature to mass upload and store benefits statements, performance reviews, handbook policies, I-9s waivers, etc. in your employees' digital filing cabinets.
Background: Search Strings
The PDF File Upload function in the Data Load module uses search strings. If you're not familiar with this term, search strings are used to find files and their content, database information, and web pages.
In the case of your Data Load module, this allows you to upload a single PDF with pages of information for each employee, and only upload to each individual's portal the page(s) intended for them.
By using a search string followed by an employee's ID number on each page of your PDF, you signal to the system who should receive that particular page of the document. A few notes on search strings:
- You have the freedom to choose your own search string
- The search string should immediately precede the Employee ID on each page of the PDF
- Both the text and the Employee ID must be on the same line in the file
- For the purposes of this example, our search string is "Posting ID:"
Now that you're an expert on search strings, launch the Data Load Module in your HRIS portal to initiate your PDF File Upload. Once here, select "+Add Data Load Button" at the top left of your screen.
Next, enter a name for your upload and select "PDF File" from the drop-down menu.
Then, select "Manual Upload" as your transmission method. Next, we'll enter the Search String you've used in your PDF, as well as the file details as the document will appear in the employee's digital filing cabinet.
Note: If you do not select the "Viewable By Employee" checkbox, then the document will only be visible to Admins. (This is helpful for sensitive HR documents!) You can always change this setting later if you need to.
In this example, we used "Posting ID:" as our search string. That means, for each page of the PDF being uploaded, there is a line of text that says "Posting ID:" followed by an employee ID. For example:
Once you have finished your manual upload setup, select "Update".
Your Data Load should now display in the "Jobs" section of your Data Load Dashboard.
Now you can select the "Upload File" button to upload your PDF.
Choose "Select Files" to select which PDF you would like to upload.
Once completed, each employee's portion of the PDF will be uploaded to their My Files Section.
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