When using the Learning Management System (LMS) module within your HRIS Portal, you have the ability to administer and tracking trainings using Worfklows.
Tutorial Video:
Step-By-Step Instructions:
To start, launch the Workflows module.
Next, select the New Campaign button at the top of your screen.
From here, enter a Name and Description for the Workflow you are creating. Then, select LMS Course Assignment from the dropdown menu as your Workflow Template.
You will also have the option to choose a Due Date for this workflow if you have an internal deadline for completing the training. Once done, click Next.
Next, you will enter the employee-facing details for your workflow. This includes:
- The Task Name the employee will see.
- Content - A description for the workflow that allows the employee to know why they are being assigned this training and what it is.
- Selecting which training you are assigning to the employee (drop-down menu).
- Pop-up preferences - Whether or not you want a pop-up task to appear when the employee logs in, and whether or not they must complete the task before the pop-up will disappear.
Once you are done setting up your training notification, select the Save & Preview button.
Here, you will be able to see what will be displayed to an employee upon sign in. If you are satisfied with this message select the Next button. If you need to make any changes, you can select Edit.
Additionally, if you would like to set up email notifications, you can do this by clicking Click here to turn on email notification and/or configure content.
This will open a pop-up to edit your email notifications. Check the box to Send Email Notifications, make any edits to the email the employee will receive, and then click Save to set up email notifications.
Once you are done setting up your task and notification settings, it is time to select which employees to assign the training to.
You can choose to assign the training to all active employees by selecting Active Employees from the Employee Inclusion Criteria drop-down menu. Or, you can use the filter criteria to filter for specific employees by selecting Add new condition.
If you choose to filter criteria for specific employees, you can select the Test Filter button to view your filter results so you can make sure you have the correct employees assigned to the training.
You will also need to select if you would like to automatically trigger the workflow to apply to new employees matching the filter criteria, or if it should only apply to employees currently meeting the filter criteria. Then, click Next.
Finally, select if you would like the training to be assigned Now or at a later date, then click Next.
If you select Now, it will immediately deploy to any employees meeting your specified criteria.
If you select Later, the workflow will be created and viewable on your Workflow Campaigns dashboard but will display as Not Started until you choose to activate it.
Once activated, you can come back any time to view who has completed the workflow and who is still in progress.
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